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    Will you have?to be your wife, to live together in marriage?

    Will you love him, comfort him, respect him,

    and trust him in good times and in difficult times

    and will you work together to further your relationship to the greatest extent possible?

    莫轩听完了誓词,目光深情款款的看着林宴道:“I  will.”

    I take you to be my wedded wife from this day forward.

    I take you for your strengths and your weaknesses.

    I will share with you the happy times and support you in the difficult times.

    I will share with you the joys and the sorrows,

    the problems and the successes which we may encounter in our lives.

    莫轩看着林宴款款说完了誓词后,神父再次用几乎相同的话问了林宴,林宴同样肯定的说道:“I will.”

    I take you to be my wedded husband from this day forward.

    I take you for your strengths and your weaknesses.

    I will share with you the happy times and support you in the difficult times.

    I will share with you the joys and the sorrows,

    the problems and the successes which we may encounter in our lives.



    I now pronounce you husband and wife, and hope you,ll be both very happy.



